Personal Collection
Personal, Historic and Miscellaneous Flags
About Us:
Slava Ukraini!
It all started with one flag, bought for fun to welcome a visitor from Australia. Then came Canada 125, and a bunch of flags for a parade truck. Next an Ontario red ensign for the boat, then some signal flags for sailing. One Remembrance Day, while flying the Royal Navy for relatives who served, a friend gave me a gigantic Royal Australian Navy battle ensign from his time as a signalman in the RCN. Now I happily receive flags from all over - many gifted to me here, some sent by friends and relatives from places like Isle of Guernsey, Ireland and Turkey... An interview with Mike Commito of the Sudbury Star was lots of fun, and with Covid-19 on, this is my world travel, my outlet and a little bit of fun for the kids in the neighbourhood who point up and say "What's that flag, Mom?" And what's the point of having all these flags if no one sees them? So check my flag pole out during that special national holiday or date of independence of your favourite country, and chances are you will see it flying as a celebration of inclusivity and world peace. If not, send me your flag and up it will go!
Contact Us:
We would be delighted to answer any inquiries, publish any corrections, take special requests or accept any donations for Today's Flag.
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Yesterday's Flag
14 Jun 2024: Falkland Islands Liberation Day
10 Jun 2024: Happy Portugal Day
06 Jun 2024: Happy Sweden National Day
30 May 2024: Happy Anguilla Day
25 May 2024: Happy Bermuda Day
23 May 2024: Grundgesetztag (Basic Law Day) Founding day of modern Germany
21 MAY 2024: Happy St-Helena's Day
20 MAY 2024: Royal Union flag for Victoria Day
12 MAY 2024: Manitoba Day
09 MAY 2024: Guernsey Liberation Day
09 APR 2024: Canadian Red Ensign for Vimy Ridge Day
04 APR 2024: NATO Day
11 MAR 2024: Commonwealth Day
22 FEB 2024: Maryland for Kaylee & Matt!
25 AUG 2023: Uganda
18 JUL 2023: New Zealand
07 JUL 2023: Malaysia
04 JUL 2023: United States of America for Independence Day, USA
01 JUL 2023: Canada for Canada Day
15 JUN 2023: Lesotho
08 JUN 2023: Montserrat
06 JUN 2023: Isle of Man
03 JUN 2023: Gibraltar
25 MAY 2023: Fiji
17 MAY 2023: Falkland Islands
16 MAY 2023: Cyprus
15 MAY 2023: Cayman Islands
14 MAY 2023: British Indian Ocean Territory
13 MAY 2023: Bermuda
12 MAY 2023: Barbados
11 MAY 2023: The Bahamas
10 MAY 2023: Australia
09 MAY 2023: Antigua & Barbuda
08 MAY 2023: Anguilla
07 MAY 2023: Canada
06 MAY 2023: Commonwealth Flag for Coronation!
13 MAR 2023: Commonwealth Day
07 JAN 2023: Antigua and Barbuda
01 JAN 2023: Togo
24 DEC 2022: Christmas Island for, you guessed it: Christmas!
20 DEC 2022: United States for the visit of Matthew
12 DEC 2022: Royal Union flag for Anniversary of the Westminster Statute
11 NOV 2022: Canada, for Remembrance Day
09 NOV 2022: Cambodia for Cambodian Independence Day
07 NOV 2022: Canadian Pacific for National Railway Day
28 OCT 2022: Canada + Lest We Forget Flag for Royal Canadian Legion Poppy Campaign start
24 OCT 2022: United Nations for International United Nations Day
21 OCT 2022: Royal Navy: for Niobe Day in Canada and Trafalgar Day in the UK.
10 OCT 2022: Fiji: for Independence Day in Fiji
03 OCT 2022: Germany: for German Unity Day
30 SEP 2022: Haudenosaunee flag for Truth & Reconciliation Day
08 SEP 2022: Canada at Half-mast for the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
03 AUG 2022: Turks and Caicos: for Emancipation Day
25 JUL 2022: Puerto Rico: for Constitution Day in Puerto Rico
14 JUL 2022: France: Happy Bastille Day!
01 JUL 2022: Canada: Happy Canada Day! We erected a second flag pole to fly the flag of Ukraine while that nation is struggling against agression.
24 FEB 2022: Ukraine: to draw attention to the unprovoked and internationally-condemned invasion by Russian Federation
07 FEB 2022: Canadian Red Ensign, former Canadian flag, raised as a protest against misuse of current Canadian flag by lawbreakers
06 FEB 2022: Queen's Canadian Royal Standard for the Accession of Queen Elizabeth in 1952
28 JAN 2022: Groundhog Meteorology for Groundhog Day!
26 JAN 2022: Australia for Australia Day
21 JAN 2022: Quebec for Quebec Flag Day
10 JAN 2022: Quarantine flag for COVID
04 JAN 2022: Gibraltar: just because!
02 JAN 2022: Seychelles: just because!
25 DEC 2021: Christmas Island: for Christmas!
24 DEC 2021: Canada: for Christmas and NORAD Tracks Santa
19 DEC 2021: Anguilla, for the 41st anniversary of founding date in 1980
17 DEC 2021: Kingdom of Bhutan for the Anniversary of the Coronation of King Wangchuck in 1907
15 DEC 2021: Province of Ontario Flag
11 DEC 2021: Royal Union Flag for the 90th Anniversary of the Statute of Westminster
29 NOV 2021: Province of British Columbia to draw attention to flooding and environmental catastrophe
11 NOV 2021: Canada and "Lest We Forget" Flag for Remembrance Day
04 NOV 2021: Panama for Panama's National Flag Day
28 OCT 2021: New Zealand for the 186th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence of New Zealand
24 OCT 2021: United Nations for International United Nations Day
NO FLAG: For identification of unmarked graves at the former Kamloops Residential School
09 APR 2021: Royal Union Flag at half-staff for the death of HRH Prince Phillip, consort to Her Majesty Queen II in right of Canada
Today's Flag: ©1989-2024 DJ CLIFFORD, All Rights Reserved