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The flag of the United NationsThe flag of the United Nations


Today's Flag is: 

The United Nations: still "a symbol of hope for global unity."  Each 24th of October is observed annually as world United Nations Day, and marks the anniversary of the UN Charter becoming effective in 1945, following the most horrific war up until then, and included the detonation of nuclear weapons in combat.  Despite the Russian Federation preventing the Security Council from acting effectively to prevent the invasion of and war it has inflicted upon Ukraine, the United Nations continues to provide essential services all over the world.  This day should be celebrated and taught to young people all over the globe, who may one day be able to reform the UN into the guardians of the spirit of international cooperation and ultimate arbiters of peace as envisaged by its founders.

            Today's Flag: ©1989-2024 DJ CLIFFORD,  All Rights Reserved